Align Soul and Human Intentions: Unlock the Potential of True Humanity

TRUE HUMANITY is the authentic expression of our innate qualities—goodness, transparency, love, care and interconnectedness—rooted in self-awareness and genuine connection with others

But How Do We Achieve That?

At the core of human potential lies the expression of your true self—your soul self—through the unique processes that come with being human.

While our true self, without a human body, doesn’t experience sensations like emotions, touch, or creativity, our human form grants us the opportunity to fully express these aspects, bringing our true self into the world.

Intentions play a critical role in this journey, especially when you align soul and human intentions.

When aligned with your true self, rather than societal pressures or unconscious conditioning, intentions allow you to express your unique qualities, attributes and capability.

This is essential to realizing your full potential—THE EXPRESSION OF YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR HUMAN FORM.

Intentional Expression of Your Unique Qualities

Intentions help you consciously focus on expressing your unique qualities.

HUMAN POTENTIALThey act as a BRIDGE BETWEEN YOUR TRUE SELF AND YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE, connecting your soul’s purpose with your human experience.

As human beings, we communicate, interact, and build relationships through various processes unique to our human form—such as physical connections, responses, and forms of expression.

Our intentions are conveyed through these processes, influencing connection, engagement, and trust—or, at times, leading to disconnection and mistrust.


Your soul is whole, pure, and a source of limitless consciousness and divine

The soul’s enduring intention is to experience itself fully, to express love, purity, and goodness through the human experience.


We have emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations that often cloud the soul’s pure intention.HUMAN POTENTIAL

Sometimes, what you say or do feels wrong. And you know it goes against your integrity and what you know to be right.

You might even hurt someone because you’re hurting—a case where human intentions clash with your soul’s pure intentions.

While YOUR SOUL’S INTENTION REMAINS SINGULAR AND PURE, human intentions are fluid and multifaceted.

For example, your soul’s true intention might be to express love. However, human experiences like trauma or societal conditioning may cause feelings. Feelings like doubt or fear, leading to suppression, judgment, and protection, to name a few.

These layers make it difficult to align your actions with your true self and soul’s pure intentions.


To unlock your human potential, it’s crucial to bridge the gap between your soul’s pure intention and the complexities of the human experience.

This is where you align soul and human intentions. Facilitating this requires conscious effort—where you recognize both your soul-level and human intentions and working actively to integrate them.

This is a journey of self-discovery. It involves:
  • Self-Awareness: Recognizing the distinction between soul-level intentions and human-driven intentions and impulses.
  • Acceptance: Embracing your humanness with all its imperfections, while staying connected to your soul’s wisdom.
  • Self-Responsibility: Identifying and owning the truth of your intentions, discerning when they are honorable and when they are not.
  • Alignment: Consciously choosing intentions, actions and words that reflect your true self, even amidst challenging emotions and circumstances.

Human PotentialBy understanding this distinction, you can navigate life with greater purpose, authenticity, love, and clarity. 

Your relationships will become more genuine, your interactions more transparent, and your self-worth will grow.

When you successfully bridge this gap, you will fully embrace your humanity while living in alignment with your soul’s wisdom.

You'll express the purity of your soul’s intention through your human experience, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Intentions are multifaceted, so to dive a bit deeper into the world of intentions, check out the I Make a Difference blog – Layers of Intentions.

Melinda Cates


Founder and creator of U Make a Difference,  I Make a Difference and life transition and true self empowerment facilitator. If you are interested in tapping into and expressing your human potential, then make sure you join the U Make a Difference community – Connect Now!

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